MENU Recognizes Marco Island

In a January 2019 article titled “Florida’s Paradise Coast Blends Upscale Elegance and Wild Everglades Style” posted on, Marco Island received high praise for its sub-tropical elegance and enchanting attractions and activities.

Highlighting Marco Island’s ability to blend an old Florida atmosphere with a sophisticated beach lifestyle, Forbes highlights the unique experiences available to visitors in the area.

The first attraction mentioned was the famed Marco Island Historical Museum, a destination that is home to one of America’s most precious examples of Pre-Columbian Native American art.

Long famous for its Key Marco Cat, an artifact from the original Calusa people who lived here before white settlements, the museum also explores the island’s growth: from wild outpost to prime seller of  real estate for the Miami-based Deltona Corporation (“We’ve got land in Florida for you,” was their clarion call).

The museum also has fun mid-century modern artifacts like a mermaid-shaped lamp and other items from the island’s 1950’s era.

Outdoor adventure attractions cited in the article include two of our favorites: Dolphin Explorer and Paddle Marco are also mentioned.

Dolphin Explorer takes you around the area with pods of dolphins often trailing the boat. The guide has images of local dolphins you can recognize from fin patterns and other details. Paddle Marco takes you wild-side with kayak expeditions into Marco Island’s mangrove swamps. Definitely wear your bathing suit to this experience as a small tip in and you’ll find yourself waist deep in muddy water–it’s all fun and games through and no gators in this swamp.

The final recommendation made by author Gretchen Kelly encourages visitors to savor the flavors of Southwest Florida’s seafood, including our world-famous stone crab.

Before you leave “Paradise” don’t forget to get stoned..that’s stoned crab, of course. Local eateries like Pinchers have Stone Crab Festivals where these hard but tender beauties render up their tasty meat with the snap of a crab-cracker.

Forbes is an American business magazine. Published bi-weekly, it features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, politics, and law.